Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Space Shuttle. 1981-2011

Something world-altering and incredible happened in the spring of 1981, 30 years ago... I was born. 2 months later, something ELSE happened. The inaugural launch of the first NASA Space Shuttle, Columbia. STS-1. A safe, reusable ship that could escort Americans to and from space. A feat that many Earthicans had put blood, sweat and tears into since the great space race in the 1950s.

Unfortunately, due to many factors, this past week was the last of the 135 scheduled shuttle launches. Ever. The crafts are to be retired and spread around the country for many tourists to enjoy from here on out. The technology is working, but I agree is getting outdated. (Most of us wouldn't feel comfortable driving a car that old, let along a rocket ship.) It still brings a tear to my eye.

I have always been a HUGE fan of the shuttle program, a program that has grown up along side me, and has taken me along for the ride. I remember watching the Night launches from the Keys (Yes, you could see a Night launch from there). Watching day launches through my telescope. Going to Kennedy Space Center for the 1st time when I was 8.

Attending my first launch for STS-40, Columbia in 1991. My Dad got us into the Press area, as close as we could.

I even built my 2nd year Pinewood Derby car to be modeled after the Shuttle (and yes of Course I still have it!)

I attended Space Camp in High School, and visited all three Space Centers.

I've attended dozens of launches over the years, and was lucky to be able to take my son, Victor to his first (and last) shuttle launch.

...and currently a Commander Card holder.

You could say I'm a bit of a Shuttle nut. But not a Space nut, I have never truly enjoyed Sci-Fi films or tv shows. I've only seen Star Wars once (when they re-released it in theaters) I hate politics, so naturally have stayed away from Sci-Fi... With a heavy heart, I watched the last Shuttle launch from my hotel room in Miami, near a hospital where my Mother had just gone through a major aortic valve replacement in her heart. I wouldn't have missed the surgery for the world, but it was odd not being able to feel the boom of the engines igniting one last time.

I am excited for the future of NASA, the introduction of private Space administrations, and the refurbishing of KSC as a new Space Port. The plan is supposedly to start shuttling Americans to space again from America within 3 years, through Space X's new program. At the moment, we are paying the Russians to take us up... good plan. I'm stoked to be able to go through it, once it becomes a museum item. I am excited to see where the future of American Space Exploration holds... let's hope it leads us back up and further beyond the stars.

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