Friday, August 28, 2009

The Final Destination

So in the latest addition to my acting demo reel (completely kidding), I did some background talent work in a couple scenes for "The Final Destination in 3D" film, which did all of it's reshoots in Orlando. We went to a pre-screening of the film last night at City Walk at Universal Studios, with the Bloody Disgusting crew. And sure enough, they kept the entire cuts in of the scenes I shot.

If you watch the film, there are a couple scenes in the "Death By Caffeine" Coffee Shop. In the first scene where the characters are sitting around chatting about whats going on, if you watch in the back, I play "Bathroom Guy" and walk out of a bathroom, with a white overshirt and blue jeans, wave my hands in the air, because there aren't any paper towels, and sit down and play chess.

The second scene, is when the main Female character sits down at the coffee shop and is attempting to get her boyfriend to see the 3D movie with her. I'm sitting on the left side of the frame, drinking a coffee and working on a laptop. Its a pretty long sequence.

Anyway, my silly 30 seconds of fame on screen. As far as the movie goes... eh.

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